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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Recent Watched Movies : Ice Age 4

Just recently, I've just finished watching Ice Age 4: Continental Drift. I know the movie has been out for quite some time now but I just can't find the chance to actually watch it and now I'm glad I finally decided to watch the movie. This movie is the 4th installment of the popular movie series. The movie focuses on the story of three male characters (they're prehistoric animals) as they take on unpredictable challenges and face all kinds of hurdles that come rushing in their way during the ice age period.

The poster

For the 4th sequel, the movie tells the story of how the three male lead, Manny the mammoth, Diego the saber tooth and Sid the sloth, are separated from the rest of their pack including Manny's mate, Ellie and his daughter, Peaches. The cause of this separation would be the movement of the earth's continent to how it is now today and the fault of the mishap this time is no different from the rest of the ice age movies. It is by none other than Scrat the squirrel. His continuous hunt for a single nut has caused the single united continent to break apart and drift away from one another.

The main characters

When Manny,  Diego and Sid are on the journey to return to their pack at the promised place, they encounter a group of pirate that tries to stop them from ever achieving their goal. Together with Sid's grandma, that somehow got stuck with the trio after being abandoned by Sid's family, they fight their way through all sorts of setbacks to finally be reunited with their pack.

For those who never watch the movie series, I recommend you guys to watch it as it's a fun and fresh series.

A blogger regards ^__^

Monday, 29 October 2012

Kamsa hamnida

Untuk post kali ini, aku ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada beberapa orang yang telah merubah hidupku.

Pertama sekali, terima kasih buat ibuku yang telah memberikan sumbangan paling besar bagiku merealisasikan impian yang telah lama bercambah di dalam hati sanubari diri ini. Terima kasih kerana sanggup membuat pengorbanan dari segi kewangan, masa, tenaga dan yang paling utama sekali perasaanmu sendiri demi melayan kerenah anakmu yang kadangkala perit untuk ditelan (rasanya bukan kadangkala tapi seringkali). Terima kasih, ibu.

Yang kedua, terima kasih buat adikku yang mahu mengikuti kehendak kakakmu ini. Terima kasih kerana telah bersama-sama denganku di sepanjang jalan ini berkongsi kegembiraan dan menjadikan hari itu berlipat ganda lebih baik lagi walaupun pada mulanya dikau enggan tetapi demi kakakmu ini tetap digagahkan jua dirimu menuruti permintaanku. Terima kasih, adik.

Yang ketiga, terima kasih buat sahabatku yang acapkali menjadi tempatku menceritakan segala yang berkaitan dengannya. Terima kasih kerana sudi untuk menjadi tempat aku meluahkan apa yang terpendam dihati dan bergelak tawa bersamaku tatkala aku mula berceloteh mengenai obsesiku. Terima kasih, sahabat.

Yang terakhir sekali tetapi yang paling penting, terima kasih buat kalian berlima. Terima kasih kerana sanggup datang ke sini untuk menggembirakan bukan sahaja aku bahkan beribu yang lain. Terima kasih kerana memberikan yang terbaik untuk hari itu walaupun cuaca tidak menyebelahi kita tetapi kau teruskan jua demi aku dan yang lain. Aku akan berpegang pada janjimu bahawa kalian semua akan kembali semula ke sini tidak lama lagi. Walau apa pun, terima kasih.

Kamsa hamnida <3

Salam blogger ^__^

Saturday, 27 October 2012

I'm finally going!

Oh my god! This is so exciting. It is finally tomorrow! I could only start to feel the over excitement and the joyfulness of what's coming this evening when finally the matter that have been weighing on my mind recently had finally been lifted. And all those feelings are full to the brim. Argh! Finally!

It's tomorrow and the time now is 1 o'clock in the morning. This means that it's not even tomorrow anymore but today! I can't sleep at all and not even feeling the slightest bit of drowsy. I can't believe that from the time that I knew of the event and then decided to go, using all means necessary to be there and now the day has ultimately arrived.

I'm sure those who are reading this doesn't have the tiniest clue what I'm blabbering in this post. Well, the thing is I'm not going to tell. I'm sorry (should I be?). But for those who do get what all this is related about, keep it to yourself.

After all this is finish and done with, I can immediately commence operation sweet revenge (we're in this together right, Izzah?). Just you wait for it and I'll make you feel sorry for tricking me and scaring the hell out of me. Well, even though you won't know what you've done but I'm still mad about it and that's final. You will pay for it!

So now, all that's left to do is wait patiently and don't go crazy before the time is here. It's less than 20 hours away. Unleash all that madness there for everyone will do the same. Counting the hours remaining by myself together with 16,000 people.

A blogger regards ^__^

Monday, 22 October 2012


My blog's theme was supposed to be related to 'movies'. But so far, I only have one post that discussed that topic. It's not that I'm taking this task (updating the blog) lightly or anything. It's that I just can't seem to prioritize which is supposed to be first and then which that follows.

I have so many ideas in my head that I want to put up in this blog that is actually related to movies. But it seems that all those ideas in my head are just staying there. There are so many until I can't sort it out as there are a lot of things that I want to post about movies (since I like watching movies). I don't know how to arrange it nicely to be type in words so that the end result should be satisfying (that should be the lowest rating for any of my posts).

Because of that reason, I have a lot of posts that are still in draft forms which are still incomplete (it's either halfway done or just barely started). When the initiation is sparked and the motivation is running, I'll immediately put it to work but then, when the idea stops, the writing process can't seem to have any progress (it's stuck). Then I guess, the fault is in me so I'll work hard to get pass this hurdle.

A blogger regards ^__^


I found this by accident. Then, I thought I'll share it in my blog. Enjoy!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Telling the truth

It is so hard to tell the truth when we know it'll be an unpleasant thing to be accepted by the other party. When we already know or roughly guess how the other party's reaction going to be when we deliver the news (or the truth that we are keeping to ourselves), the strength to do it just seem to fade and the anxiety, on the other hand, just keep building inside us. It's like when we finally gather up enough courage to tell the truth, and when we are on the verge of doing it, the fear in our mind totally swallowed the courage in our heart. Then, the will to continue what we had planned withered away just like that.

I've faced this kind of situation many times in my life. This happens especially towards someone that we highly respect (or feared as a matter of fact) for various reasons or someone we hold dear and cherish in our lives. The cause of such situation happening depend on this factor. It's because we are scared. It's either we are scared for our own sake of getting hurt or we are scared for the sake of the other party getting hurt by the truth that we are about to bring to them.

Gathering enough courage and determination is never an easy thing to do. The way I overcome that obstacle is through consulting the matter with someone. It must be someone that we have a deep trust and someone that will continue to encourage us during tough times and not bring us down nor abandon us. Having someone by our side no matter the consequences can become huge source of encouragement for us to do something (or in this case, telling the truth) because we know no matter what happen, that person will always stick together with us.

You may think that this type of person is a coward. But I disagree. The real coward is someone who refuses to tell the truth until the end and the truth are only kept to themselves even though by not telling it may trouble the other party. That is my opinion of who the real coward is. You may also say that this kind of thinking are just too ambiguous for someone like me but this is my human right and the right of freedom of speech. Which means I can believe and say whatever I want as long as it does not breach any constitutional law and the law of my religion (if you don't like that than screw you).

I hope by posting this will give me some sort of encouragement to tell the truth. To those whom have read this (if there are any at all), may you find your own source of encouragement to help you get through the challenges and hardships in life.

A blogger regards ^__^

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Sakit kepala

Kalau aku tak terangkan pun, orang yang baca tajuk post di atas tu boleh tahu isi yang aku nak tulis dalam selebih post ni. Jadi, aku SAKIT KEPALA (tak nak letak tanda seru sebab nanti bertambah sakit kepala aku, konon!).

Sebab aku sakit kepala? Eh, banyak sebabnya dan sebab-sebab tu bukannya remeh temeh. Antaranya:
  1. Program - Aku libatkan diri dalam program English Zone (kolej) serta Pesta Konvokesyen UKM ke-40 (pusat) dan kedua-dua progam ni berlangsung pada hari yang sama, tempoh yang sama dan tamat pada hari yang sama. Kedua-dua program ni pulak memerlukan komitmen yang sangat tinggi dari ahli-ahlinya yang menyebabkan kalau aku pergi program English Zone aku kena korbankan program Pesta Konvokesyen dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Disebabkan kerumitan ni, bermulalah kepala aku berserabut memikirkan aku ni dah terjerumus dalam lubang gelap jenis apa (padahal aku sendiri yang sengaja cari nahas libatkan diri dengan dua program pada satu-satu masa tapi aku tak tahu pun masa awal-awal mendaftar dulu).
  2. Tidur - Macam yang aku tulis kat atas, aku ni melibatkan diri dengan program yang boleh membantu aku menambahkan jam kredit, maka komitmen yang perlu aku berikan adalah sepenuhnya sebagai ahli yang terlibat secara langsung dalam menjayakan program berkenaan. Bila hari program semakin hampir, waktu tidur aku pula semakin luput. Ini bermakna, aku kekurangan tidur yang optimum (tu tak campur lagi waktu tidur lebihan yang aku lepaskan).
  3. Internet - Pasal yang ni tak perlulah aku jelaskan panjang-panjang sebab aku dah tulis satu post pun menceritakan pasal benda alah ni (malas nak ulang banyak kali sebab buat aku bertambah sakit otak).
  4. Kuiz - Sebelum aku mula menaip untuk post ni, aku baru siapkan dua kuiz akaun. Inilah faktor utama yang membuatkan kepala aku makin berdenyut-denyut. Aku duduk termenung menghadap komputer riba aku dua jam lima belas minit secara berterusan sebab nak siapkan kuiz tu punya pasal. Tarikh akhir kedua-dua kuiz tu malam ni, jadi hendak atau tidak aku kena buat malam ni jugak (aku bukannya nak sangat buat kerja saat-saat akhir tapi menyiapkan kuiz tu menggunakan internet, jadi kena tunggu aku balik baru boleh siapkan dan sebab aku balik baru nak buat tu perlu ke aku terangkan lagi?).

Di atas merupakan antara penyebab dan punca aku mendapat sakit kepala. Aku bukannya menyalahkan orang lain atau meletakkan kesalahan tu pada sebab-sebab yang aku nyatakan. Sebab semua yang berlaku itu terjadi adalah kerana itulah rantaian atau suratan takdir (cewah! nak bermadah pulak aku malam-malam ni). Apa yang kita lakukan pada masa lampau akan memberi kesan pada apa yang bakal terjadi di masa hadapan. Macam itulah yang berlaku pada aku sekarang. Disebabkan keputusan aku nak lakukan sesuatu di masa lepas membuatkan aku sakit kepala di masa kini.

Aku berhenti setakat ini dahulu. Bunyi aku menaip keletak-keletuk macam seiring dengan denyutan sakit kepala aku ni. Makin menjadi-jadi pulak nanti. Hanya satu sahaja yang aku harapkan iaitu supaya sakit kepala aku tidaklah melarat menjadi lebih parah serta segeralah ia sembuh. Penyelesaian aku untuk sakit kepala ni? (oh tidak! bukan makan ubat) Makan McDonald dan diikuti dengan tidur yang nyenyak. Sekian.

Salam blogger ^__^

Friday, 19 October 2012

Connection D=

This is my story with 'connection'. What is this connection you may ask. Well, you have to read the rest of this story to find out what has happen between me and connection in the past and during present time (just a reminder that it's not a love story).

Thus, the story begins. I got my current laptop during my matriculation year on the first semester in the midst of year 2011 (which means my laptop is over a year old now). I really cherished this laptop as it is my first and also it's a gift from my dad and even though it's a gift, I got to pick which laptop I want for myself (yay, lucky!). To me, it's perfect when I received it and tested it out for the first time. Then, when I bring it to my college (I'm a graduate from Perlis Matriculation College), it turned out that this laptop can't connect with the wi-fi provided for free by the college administration.

The solution at that time was, to buy me a broadband service (I'm at a bliss), simple as that. The broadband provided me with a high speed internet connection that I can't get using the college's wi-fi. There's nothing to complain about (except a few times when it refuse to serve me and I get seriously mad). I practically used it all the time for personal and academic use as it is small in size which made it easy to carry around.

The broadband has served me all year round (I'm grateful to it and also to my dad for paying the bill) and when it's about time that I went to UKM for the registration day, something ominous occurred to me (not exactly). It went like this.  When I was handing the dirty laundry to my mom as she was asking if I had any to be washed (she always did it for me and that's one of the many reasons why I love her so much), I would never imagined that it could cost me my treasured broadband.

It never occurred for me to check if I had anything that I left in my clothes as it would be customary for mom to do it instead. But somehow that day, it slipped her mind to check through my clothes before washing it. To my mom's surprise, there's my broadband modem in the pocket of one of my clothes and it was washed together with the laundry. As my mom took out the broadband modem from the cloth, the water was dripping all over from it.

The broadband modem was soaked in the water mixed with detergent (that actually made it smells really nice but that didn't delight me at all). When my mom told me about it, I completely fell into a state of silent (probably because I don't know how to react or I was just too shocked). My mom apologized to me immediately but I didn't respond to her as if I was angry and blaming her for the incident. I took the modem and dried it right away using various ways I could think of that time (I even open the modem casing to dry the inside).

Then, when I tested the broadband on my laptop to see if it's still working, and it only just confirmed my worst thought. The modem can't even be detected in my laptop and I just frowned at my laptop like all hope is lost (but I didn't cry). While staring blankly, my mind went into deep thought. All of this happened without anyone intending it to turn out this way and it's an accident, I thought to myself. I shouldn't have made it as if it was my mom's fault (I regret thinking that way and felt sorry towards her). If anyone is to be blame for this, that would be me for being careless.

After that, my dad was informed of the incident and I thought he's going to reprimand me because of what happened. However, the exact opposite happened and he even replaced the non-functioning broadband modem with a brand new one (well, my mom paid for it because she still felt bad for causing it). So, all is well and no one got hurt.

The only thing that's off at that time was I didn't test the new broadband modem as I was busy preparing for my registration day at UKM (there's only one day left!). And when I eventually tested it out (I was already at UKM for more than a week), the broadband performed horribly. The signal was low (and sometimes can't even be detected) and when I did get connected, the internet speed was so slow that it made me fed up until I decided to just gave up from continuing to use it.

To make matters worse, my laptop can't seem to be wi-fi friendly at UKM either. All of these that is happening just pissed me off (yeah, I said it). Because of that, I'm facing several problems when it comes to things that need to be done using no other way but through the internet and that sucks (I said it again). For example, accessing UKM's i-folio, completing assignments, getting hold of information via Facebook, emails, and etc. And to make the point across, even updating this blog is being hindered because of the internet connection problem.

Sometimes, when I'm fired up to do something such as updating this blog so to say, all that motivation went down the drain because I can't connect to the internet. Even though I had two ways of connecting to the internet, both of them are just seemingly useless. Well, I do get connected a few times but then the connection was cut off when I'm in the middle of an important internet session (I was even answering an online quiz at one time and that had to happen). That just made me much more pissed off (said it yet again) than I already do.

Therefore, I had to go back home every weekend to enjoy unlimited, unhindered, fast high speed internet without any problem whatsoever (that's not the entire reason I went home). By the way, I used unifi internet service back home and let me tell you it's really fast (well, it's still can't compared to other west countries but it'll make do for me). That's why I'm accustomed to fast internet connection and starts whining when it's slow.

Looking back, I've already been going on for quite long (I never imagined it'd be this long). That tends to happen quite often when I'm unsatisfied with something that I can't be patient with anymore. It's not that I'm impatient or anything but all these are just too infuriating for me to just keep quiet. Do forgive me for my offensive language (if you find it offensive at all) but that's me when I'm whining or complaining.

Now you know the story of me and 'connection' which is the internet. I know everyone has encountered a similar setback but since this is my blog, I can write whatever that I want. Be it the most ridiculous thing or the most brilliant thing. It's my decision and solely mine alone. And it'll be that way forever.

A blogger regards ^__^ 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

It starts right now!

In my previous post, I've stated that this blog is dedicated to fulfill one of the requirements for my computer application class. For that, I've been assigned randomly with the theme of 'movies'. That means most of my posts on this blog would (probably) be related to my theme. But I'll try my best so that it meets with the standard that my lecturer, Mr. Azzwan had set prior giving out this task. As the title suggested, it starts right now!

To be honest, I watch a lot of movies when I have a free time (I have a lot of it) whether watching it in cinemas, DVDs, or my laptop through internet downloading (yes, I know it's illegal but please don't judge me as it is an easy and free alternative to get my hands on the movies). Therefore, I'm actually quite glad that I got this theme while picking out the number randomly and I've got myself the lucky number 37 (if I'm not mistaken).

And then, there's another issue that I want to address and clarify before I begin posting about movies on this blog in the near future as to avoid misunderstandings, misconception, and people mistreating my blog. So, here it is. I only watch English movies or to put it in another way, I don't watch Malay movies (yeah, go ahead and condemn me for that). Most of my life I've only ever watch or have interest in watching English movies or movies produced in Hollywood. And it is a fact that I've never once gone to the cinema to watch any Malay movies.

It's not that I didn't support our local filming industry and its people. I just feel that movies produced locally are just pure nonsense and absurd. I find that they (as in the people within the industry) just produce all those movies only for the sake of gaining revenue. You can definitely see the trend. For example, when a certain movie produced, grossed a very high revenue, you just have to wait and see before the filming industry is flooded with movies having similar genre. And then there's the quality of the movie itself which does not even need any explaining (I know I'm being very skeptical).

Even though I've said all that, I realize that not all local movies are like that. Some are very good and even had won prestigious awards. It's either I don't know of the movies or the movies are not to my preferred genre. And so, that conclude my issue with our local filming industry. I shall not go any further for I know I would be unstoppable if I wish to continue writing. That's it for now and see you soon (I hope so).

A blogger regards ^__^

Monday, 15 October 2012

Pembuka Kata, Pemula Bicara

Percubaan 1, 2, 3.

Hai dunia blog. Ini merupakan post aku yang pertama sepanjang sejarah hidup aku di muka bumi ini sebab aku tak pernah ada blog. Inilah kali pertama aku memiliki blog di web dan menjadi seorang blogger tapi kalau 'coolblog' tu dah banyak kali aku minum sampai dah tak terkira bilangannya. Aku buat lawak yang aku sendiri rasa tak kelakar. Aku ni sebenarnya tak ada idea nak taip apa untuk blog post pertama aku ni. Jadi mulalah aku nak merepek yang bukan-bukan. Tapi aku tetap nak taip jugak!

Aku mendaftar untuk blogger ni dengan bantuan kawan aku (terima kasih Izzah!) sebab kepala otak aku memang betul-betul kosong pasal blog sebab selama ni cuma reti tengok blog orang lain. Bila dah ada blog sendiri, aku ambil masa sedikit (agak lama jugak sebenarnya sampai jadi cuak sebab takut Encik Azzwan mengamuk tengok blog aku yang langsung tiada sebarang perkembangan) nak post di blog ni dan ubahsuai blog aku supaya mengikut citarasa aku serta bertepatan dengan apa yang dikehendaki Encik Azzwan.

Kemudian, aku belajar sendiri selok belok dalam nak berblogging ni dan bagi aku bukan mudah tetapi bukanlah susah sangat. Sebabnya, aku ada tumblr yang boleh dikatakan agak sama tapi macam tak serupa dengan blog ni. Jadi aku gunakan pengetahuan aku yang tak seberapa tu dan buat-buat pandai sendiri mencuba segala macam benda dalam blog yang baru bagi aku. Tapi yang paling sakit sekali dalam nak buat blog ni adalah bila nak ubahsuai blog, sama jugak macam tumblr. Nak buat tu sahaja boleh memakan masa berjam-jam (ni bagi diri aku, orang lain aku tak tahu) sampai rasa macam nak nyanyi lagu Nirwana band pulak masa tu.

Walaupun tujuan blog ni aku buat untuk cukupkan syarat kelas aplikasi komputer, aku taklah nak uruskan blog aku ni sambil lewa. Aku teringin jugak nak orang-orang dan blogger lain yang baca post aku atau singgah tengok blog aku, syok je layan blog aku ni. Aku tak naklah masa yang aku habiskan menghadap blog aku ni sia-sia tanpa aku mendapat sebarang faedah (dalam bentuk pengetahuan) mahupun kepuasan.

Tengok! Tadi mula-mula tak tahu nak tulis apa dalam post ni. Tapi bila jari dah mula menaip, laju je idea meluncur dalam kepala menstruktur ayat untuk aku taip. Walaupun aku sendiri sedar betapa merepeknya aku dalam post ni. Kesimpulannya, aku berhenti sampai sini dulu sebelum aku pergi lebih jauh dan tak boleh nak berhenti.

Salam blogger ^__^


“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go” - Oscar Wilde


It's super hectic for me!!! But like usual, Nurul Izzah Binti Razaman, my friend, save the day for me. Thank you, friend TT_TT


Now that you're here, feel free to go through my blog.
A blogger regards ^__^

Alang-alang dah sampai, intai-intailah blog saya.
Salam blogger ^__^