Whenever I'm surfing the internet, one of my must do routine is exploring the videos on YouTube. I would click on random videos and from there I'll go with the flow to wherever the site takes me. Sometimes, I'll stumble upon great videos and I'll instantly subscribe that particular user (I'm very fastidious when I'm subscribing to someone which means if I did, the videos are really to my liking).
Among the tons of videos that I found, this is one of my favourite because it has one of my most adored being on earth in it. The videos are a non-related short film series called Simon's Cat. It features a cat belonged to an owner named Simon, thus the title. The cat is very adorable and I really like how the cat sounded in the series. I found this short masterpiece a few years back and still loving it until today.
The creator of this video, draws the series himself with a small team and post the videos on YouTube within a few months interval. What makes the series well-liked by others is how the cat portrayed in these videos are very similar to how a real life cat would act with a little bit of twist in each videos. It's not like today's other videos where the cat are made to be human-like.
Below is one of the Simon's Cat video that I'm very fond of. Enjoy!
Every single time that I watch this, it soothes my heart. Makes me want to have a pet cat. One last thing, this is for my friend whom is on a cat craze right now. I hope you would come to like it as much as I do.
A blogger regards ^__^
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