Recently, my family just got an ipad. And let me tell you, I'm crazy about playing the ipad's games. Therefore I'm currently having an ipad games craze. But' it's not just me, but this craze has infected my whole siblings. We can't seem to turn away from the merely sight of an ipad.
Even though I said I'm playing games, I never let myself to be playing games made for children and babies. To give you the most perfect example, I don't play games like Angry Bird. Period. Those kind of games just don't bring me any sense of fulfillment as playing it mostly rely on your luck rather than testing your skills.
Seriously, I'm getting hooked at all sorts of games and playing them non-stop while I really should be studying for my final exam. I even fought with my younger brother to get my turn to play the games (our fighting doesn't involve any sorts of violence).
This is not my first experience getting addicted on playing games. The same thing happened when we got ourselves a PSP. The whole family is crazy about it ( with the exception of my parents, of course). Especially on the car racing game, Need For Speed. We would compete with each other to see whose the best among us. Not to brag about it, but it's always me.
Like that time, this addiction to will fade over time. By next year, I probably wouldn't be so involved with it as I am now. That's just how things are with people like me. It's in the nature of being human.
A blogger regards ^__^
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