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Friday, 30 November 2012


Sekarang ni aku rasa macam nak demam (macam, bukannya dah). Tekak dah mula sakit. Lepas tu, batuk-batuk sampai sakit paru-paru aku. Kepala dah rasa tak berapa nak betul dan berdenyut-denyut bak irama k-pop. Mood pulak MEMANG TAK BAIK. Ada saja benda yang tak kena menyebabkan kesabaran aku (yang sememangnya tak berapa nak tebal dan kukuh sangat) teruji. Mata rasa berat yang teramat nak bukak. Lagi satu, aku lenguh dan sengal satu badan, lebih-lebih lagi kat kawasan tulang belakang aku.

Bila aku dah sakit ni, satu perkara yang paling aku tak suka sangat (nak stress kat situ betapa aku tak suka sampai tatabahasa pun salah, tahu yang mana?). Perkara yang paling aku tak suka ialah bila orang mengacau aku. Kacau yang macam mana? Semua jenis kacau! Tapi yang paling aku menyampah sekali ialah bila orang ajak bercakap atau tanya aku sesuatu. Satu gejala yang aku hidapi bila aku tengah sakit ialah AKU TAK NAK BERSUARA. Bermakna aku memang 100% senyap.

Jadi, bila aku tengah sakit, kalau orang bercakap atau tanya aku sesuatu, apa aku buat? Aku buat bodoh sajalah! Aku memang malas sangat nak layan orang bila aku sakit ni. Aku kalau sakit, bukan sakit pada fizikal saja, bahkan segalanya pun aku sakit termasuklah sakit jiwa dan sakit mental (memang parah betullah aku ni).

Lepas tu, satu benda lagi yang aku buat bila aku sakit, aku 'menjeling' kat orang. Aku ada cakap tadi, eh, taip tadi kat atas yang mata aku rasa macam nak tertutup. Jadi, aku punya mata cuma terbuka dengan keluasan yang amat minimum, ini membuatkan apabila aku pandang orang, macam aku tengah menjeling. Tak cukup dengan jeling tu lagi, ditambah dengan muka aku yang masam mencuka sebab mood aku yang jahanam ni (aku tengok orang macam nak gaduh pulak).

Tuntasnya, janganlah berada dalam kawasan perimeter sekeliling aku bila aku tengah sakit ni. Sebabnya, akhir sekali engkau pulak yang sakit hati (rasa macam nak tumbuk muka aku pulak nanti).

Salam blogger ^__^

Thursday, 29 November 2012

The good old times

I really missed those days. How everyday was something to look forward to and life was never too complicated. For me, my childhood is full of fun and laughter, sometimes even tears (when I can't get what I want and the same goes for you, don't deny it, everybody's the same).

All the games that we played might have seem ridiculous and to certain point even absurd on a grown up's point of view. But today, how I wish for the days that I can freely play all those games without having to worry about what's coming tomorrow.

And of course, play them together with my friends. Together, they're the ones that made all the games that we ever played so much more enjoyable.

One word that comes to mind after watching this video, NOSTALGIC. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And at the same time, feel the same as what I'm feeling when watching the video play and also the feeling you get after you finish.

A blogger regards ^__^


Sekarang ni, aku sangat senang untuk mengantuk. Bila dah mengantuk, mulalah tanda-tanda yang berkaitan muncul satu persatu.

Mula-mula, proses aku bila dah mengantuk gila...

mesti menguap sampai regang habis otot-otot muka

lepas tu mata macam tergedik-gedik nak tutup

kemudian tangan kat dagu menjadi tongkat

sesudahnya kepala pulak buat tarian 360 darjah

bila kepala dah berat dan leher dah jadi lalang, BAM!

Macam tu la aku kalau dalam kelas dan aku pulak mengantuk tahap gaban sampai dah tak boleh tahan lagi. Lebih tragis lagi keadaan aku bila kelas tu pulak sememangnya mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti ubat batuk. Beberapa minit selepas diambil, rasa mengantuk akan hinggap pada diri anda dan anda hanya boleh bertahan serta SABAR SAJALAH.

kalau mengantuk aku tu dah tragis sangat

Salam blogger ^__^

Thank You!

I really absolutely desperately wish to thank my phenomenal of a friend from the bottom of my heart,

Nurul Izzah Binti Razaman




A blogger regards ^__^

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


I really like the videos that JinnyboyTV produced and put up in youtube. To make it better, it's local production. I decided to share it. Here it is.

Have you watched it? Did you clicked play? <--- ABUDEN!? =P

"Watching Twilight. It's awezome"
Team Edward = threes on fingers. hehe :)

Nyan Cat FTW.

A blogger regards ^__^

Pisang berbuah dua kali?

Tadi aku baru selesai perjumpaan pertama krew KAPREZA. Bila difikirkan balik, ada persamaan macam satu acara yang pernah aku sertai pada satu masa yang lampau (aku tak nak bagitahu, oh, kenangan buruk).

Pendek cerita, acara tu aku tak pikul tanggungjawab yang diberikan dengan sepenuhnya. Maksud aku, aku buat kerja separuh jalan. Sampai satu tahap, aku berhenti beri kerjasama (teruk betul aku ni, tak patut betul).

Tapi rasa bersalah tetap bersarang dalam diri aku. Masakan tak bila orang dah beri kepercayaan kat kau, lepas tu senang kacang lenggang kangkung pulak tinggalkan tanpa sebarang notis (akulah tu orangnya, cis!).

Lepas tu, mengelak (kahkahkah XD). Lawak sungguh bila aku fikirkan pasal benda ni dan kesannya pada diri aku sendiri. Itulah pasal. Orang dah cakap, sarang tebuan jangan dijolok, kau jolok jugak (padan muka hang sekarang). Eh, apa kaitannya?

Harapan untuk acara kali agar dapat beri sepenuh komitmen, tangggungjawab dan kerjasama sampai penghujung. Taklah rasa menyesal tak sesudahnya nanti bila nasi dah jadi bubur. Janganlah ini hanya tinggal sebagai harapan dan omong kosong saja (tolonglah!).

Salam blogger ^__^


I’m feeling hopeless,
The things that I do felt useless,
To the point it’s meaningless,
Everything’s just pointless.

As all of it are fruitless,
Leaving me feeling clueless,
Maybe because I’m being thoughtless,
It made my values worthless.

Clearly I’m always careless,
Doing things with such reckless,
Almost every advice is heedless,
But I am never tactless.

To find in this life what is priceless,
Where I wish to do it fearless,
While enjoying it too nonetheless,
Giving it my best and no less.

A blogger regards ^__^

What's popular?

In recent days, I've only ever heard of the same few things. And in my own self opinion and life’s philosophy (oh yeah, I had those as I’m quite the my own pace kind of girl), if I know something about it and have repeatedly encountered, watched or heard about it, I consider that topic are in trend and popular nowadays. It’s the same with the other way around. If I've never heard of something or that is my first time learning about it, then it’s easy, that topic is outdated, unpopular or even non-existent to me.

Things, stuffs or topic that I can relate to this self-opinion and life’s philosophy of mine are people (the most common), news, event, music, etc. The list goes on. These are several things that I find to be popular and most talked about lately;

  • Harimau Malaya
  • Politics
  • Kahwin
  • Everything Korea
  • Twitter
  • Shout Award 
  • Aaron Aziz??? 

Those are a few things that I kept on hearing these past few days. To make it clear, I’m not that well diverse on what issues are going on in Malaysia. Don’t get me wrong here. It’s not that I hate our country or am not proud to be its citizen. I’m just too lazy to give damn about it. So, if I do know of a certain issue or topic, I consider it to be the talk of the town of that period.

It’s funny how I said that being the only reason I do know of these stuffs is because the people around are the one telling me about it (I seldom read newspapers or watch news).

A blogger regard ^__^

Microsoft Access

Now, it’s official! I hate Access and Access hates me. I just can’t seem to get how the damn thing worked. Well, I do know how to insert the data and that’s it! And that doesn't even count as mastering the basics of Access because even a child can do it. I've tried several times to learn the tutorial or seek help from the application’s help wizard itself but after several minutes into it, my mind start to blur as my vision goes hazy.

I really am so bad in this. It’s like immediately after opening Access with the spirit to accomplish and achieved success in mastering the basics (at least), my soul was almost sucked into the computer to a realm unknown to man. This got me pretty frustrated as I don’t like the idea that I’m somewhat incapable of conquering it.

But it’s actually crucial that I know the way of using it being the reason that I have to do a PRESENTATION about it. And to make it worse, the presentation is next week, ladies and gentlemen. Just thinking about it made me lose my appetite. Therefore, it’s better if I don’t think about it. NO! I have to! The presentation is next week (wailing). Dear God, give me strength.

One more thing, Sir Azzwan, please be kind to me during the fateful judgment day. I’m trying and still learning.

A blogger regards ^__^

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Losing my way?

Tomorrow night will mark the start of my first mid-term examination for the first semester of my first year in UKM. As it would be my first exam ever during my time here, I don’t know how it is going to be. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s going to be like and I’m scared for myself as I will be facing the unknown. Even though the situation is like that, I definitely can’t say that I have thoroughly prepared to take the exam. Why? Well, obviously it’s because I DIDN’T EVEN FREAKING STUDY YET!


This made me wonder what the hell I have been doing all this time. By studying, what I meant was that you would be seated properly with (mountain of) books in front of you and be able to do so for several hours non-stop while concentrating hard on the content of each book and then practicing what you have revised to gauge your own understanding of the knowledge. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what I can’t seem to do for my upcoming exam.

All I’m capable of doing is rearrange my books so it would look neat while I’m studying (supposedly) and take out my stationary to help me in my (unbearable and tough) journey called studying. But that only lasts for at most 30 minutes. Yeah, I’m pathetic (or even worse). I just can’t seem to sum up enough concentration to study until the end and I would just give up midway of doing it. It’s either I would get distracted by something totally unrelated to the subject or I’ll start daydreaming. What is wrong with me?

All this complaining, sighing and wondering won’t get me anywhere. That much I am aware of. Some of you might even said to yourself or thinking that ‘if you have time to be posting on this blog than you might just as well go study for your exam’. But I just can’t, OKAY! I AM AGONIZING OVER THIS PART OF MYSELF TOO! My heart would start beating out of rhythm and my feeling would get anxious whenever I think about it.

Thus, my last options are remembering my parents and turning to the Almighty God. People said that whenever you are facing difficulties dealing with yourself, just remember what your parents will be feeling from the result of your doing. This works for me sometimes and it especially get to me whenever I start thinking of my mother (she’s a queen in my heart).  She has sacrificed so much in her life for the better of her children and for that reason I am greatly indebted and grateful towards her.

Love you, Mom <3

And then, when all else fail, like any other muslim in this world, I raised my hand and prayed to Allah. I sincerely wish that I would be rewarded with your vast and precious knowledge of this world and for me to achieve that, I beg to You, the one and only, give me the strength to continue on this road I have chosen in order to pursue Your knowledge. Amin.

A blogger regards ^__^

Thursday, 1 November 2012


I wish to make a statement here. I, Nur Amalina Binti Raja Mustapha Kamal, in my conscious and right mind vow to never ever in the history of my life, the past, present and in the future, would be posting anything that have the slightest hint to be related to horror. That I promised and will kept to it earnestly.

Yeah, I admit it! I'm a scaredy cat. I shiver from even thinking about it. Let alone hearing, seeing or worse, watching a full length movie about it. I'll faint (seriously). I've only ever watch one movie about it and let me tell you, I TERRIBLY REGRET IT! I can never imagine myself doing the same thing yet again. I've thoroughly repented for my past mistake.

It prevents me from ever having a good night sleep and even closing my eyes! Can you believe that? I'll never again have anything to do with horror even out of my own enormous curiosity. It's just as the saying goes, curiosity kill the cat. And in my case, it has killed me countless times (I have a very high curiosity). So, don't expect me to post about a horror movie, ever, okay? (I'll consider you said yes)

One last thing, since it's the occasion, Happy Halloween. Trick or treat? :P

A blogger regards ^__^


“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go” - Oscar Wilde


It's super hectic for me!!! But like usual, Nurul Izzah Binti Razaman, my friend, save the day for me. Thank you, friend TT_TT


Now that you're here, feel free to go through my blog.
A blogger regards ^__^

Alang-alang dah sampai, intai-intailah blog saya.
Salam blogger ^__^